
jQuery Mobileのスタイルに対する基本的な方法論は「簡単に出来るようにする」ことです。最終的にはブラウザのレンダリングに任せ、こちらでは可読性を上げるための余白設定や、 テーマ システムを使ったフォントや色の指定を追加する程度に考えています。



初期状態でもjQuery Mobileテーマは、通常のHTMLタグを次のようなスタイルに設定しています。

H1 Heading

H2 Heading

H3 Heading

H4 Heading

H5 Heading
H1 Heading

This is a paragraph that contains strong, emphasized and linked text. Here is more text so you can see how HTML markup works in content. Here is more text so you can see how HTML markup works in content.

How about some blockquote action with a cite

This is another paragraph of text so you can see how HTML markup works in content. This is another paragraph of text so you can see how HTML markup works in content. This is another paragraph of text so you can see how HTML markup works in content.

We add a few styles to tables and fieldsets to make them more legible, which are easily overridden with customs styles.

  • Unordered list item 1
  • Unordered list item 1
  • Unordered list item 1
  1. Ordered list item 1
  2. Ordered list item 1
  3. Ordered list item 1

Definition term
I’m the definition text
Definition term
I’m the definition text

Travel Itinerary
Flight: From: To:
Total: 3 flights
JetBlue 983 Boston (BOS) New York (JFK)
JetBlue 354 San Francisco (SFO) Los Angeles (LAX)
JetBlue 465 New York (JFK) Portland (PDX)