
  • Tuitter
    • Tuitter general
      • Tuitter::__construct
      • Tuitter::load : Load Tuitter files
      • Tuitter::setCache : Set caching directory for auto incremental request
      • Tuitter::setHttpCache : Set storage object for HTTP Caching
      • Tuitter::setRetry : Set number of retrying while HTTP request is failing
      • Tuitter::setRetryInterval : Set delay between retryings
    • Timeline
      • Tuitter::getFriendsTL : Get recent Tweets by the user and that user's friend
      • Tuitter::getHomeTL : Get recent Tweets including retweets by user and that user's friends
      • Tuitter::getMentions : Get recent mentions for the authenticating user
      • Tuitter::getPublicTL : Get recent Tweets from public timeline
      • Tuitter::getRTbyMe : Get recent ReTweets posted by the authenticating user
      • Tuitter::getRTofMe : Get recent Tweets of the authenticating user that have been retweeted
      • Tuitter::getRTtoMe : Get recent ReTweets posted by the authenticating user's friends
      • Tuitter::getReplies : Get recent replies for the authenticating user
      • Tuitter::getUserTL : Get recent Tweets from the user
    • Tweets
      • Tuitter::deleteMessage : Delete the message
      • Tuitter::getMessage : Get a single message
      • Tuitter::getRTs : Get ReTweets of a given Tweet.
      • Tuitter::sendMessage : Send message of the authenticating user
      • Tuitter::sendRT : Get ReTweets a tweet.
    • Users
      • Tuitter::getFollowers : Get the authenticating user's followers
      • Tuitter::getFollowings : Get the user's friends
      • Tuitter::getUserStatus : Get extended information of a given user, specified by screen name
      • Tuitter::getUserStatusById : Get extended information of a given user, specified by ID
      • Tuitter::searchUsers : Get search result for users.
    • Direct Messages
      • Tuitter::deleteDM : Delete the direct message
      • Tuitter::getDMs : Get a list of recent direct messages sent to the authenticating user
      • Tuitter::getSentDMs : Get a list of recent direct messages sent by the authenticating user
      • Tuitter::sendDM : Sends a new direct message
      • Tuitter::sendDMbyId : Sends a new direct message (by user ID)
    • Followings
      • Tuitter::follow : Follows the user specified by the screen name
      • Tuitter::followById : Follows the user specified by the user ID
      • Tuitter::isFollowed : Tests whether the authenticating user is followed by the user
      • Tuitter::isFollowing : Tests whether the authenticating user is following the user
      • Tuitter::unfollow : Unfollows the user specified by the screen name.
      • Tuitter::unfollowById : Unfollows the user specified by the user ID
    • Favorites
      • Tuitter::getFavorites : Get recent favorite Tweets for the authenticating user
      • Tuitter::markFavorite : Favorites the Tweet specified
      • Tuitter::markFavorite : Un-favorites the Tweet.
    • Accounts
      • Tuitter::getAccount
      • Tuitter::updateAccountBkImage : ログインユーザのプロフィール画面の背景画像を更新する
      • Tuitter::updateAccountColors : ログインユーザのプロフィール画面の配色を更新する
      • Tuitter::updateAccountImage : ログインユーザのアイコンを更新する
      • Tuitter::updateAccountProf : ログインユーザのプロフィールを更新する
  • TuitterOAuth
    • TuitterOAuth::__construct
  • Tuitter_Account
  • Tuitter_Cache
    • Tuitter_Cache_File : The cache storage using file system
    • Tuitter_Cache_Interface : The interface of the Tuitter cache storage
  • Tuitter_DM
  • Tuitter_DMs
  • Tuitter_Filter
    • Tuitter_Filter_HashTag : Filters Tweets whether containing the specified hash tags
    • Tuitter_Filter_Interface : The interface of the Tweet filters
    • Tuitter_Filter_Mentioned : Filters Tweets whether being mentioned about the specified user
  • Tuitter_Tweet
    • Tuitter_Tweet::RT : Retweets this Tweet.
    • Tuitter_Tweet::delete : Deletes this Tweet
    • Tuitter_Tweet::getRepliedTweet : Get the Tweet which this Tweet has sent to
    • Tuitter_Tweet::isFavorited : Whether this Tweet is favorited by the authentication user
    • Tuitter_Tweet::isReplied : Whether this Tweet is the replied one
    • Tuitter_Tweet::markFavorite : Favorites this Tweet
    • Tuitter_Tweet::reply : Replies to this Tweet
  • Tuitter_Tweets
    • Tuitter_Tweets::filter : Filters Tweets which this object contains
    • Tuitter_Tweets::reverse : Makes the Tweets in reverse order
  • Tuitter_User
    • Tuitter_User::follow : Follows this user
    • Tuitter_User::isFollowing : Tests whether the authenticating user is following this user
    • Tuitter_User::sendDM : Sends a direct message to this user
    • Tuitter_User::unfollow : Unfollows this user
  • Tuitter_Users
    • Tuitter_Users::getNextCursor : Get the cursor of the next result page
    • Tuitter_Users::getPrevCursor : Get the cursor of the previous result page
    • Tuitter_Users::reverse : Makes the users in reverse order