Tuitter_Filter is used for filtering Tweets. It’s convenience to prepare custome filters.
Custome filters have to implement Tuitter_Filter_Interface.
The filters should implement just one method, “check”.
Tuitter_Tweet object is given to this method. Return FALSE when you want to take out the Tweet.
See the example of Tuitter_Filter_HashTag.
The class constructor generate regular expression, then Tweet text is matched in check method.
class Tuitter_Filter_HashTag implements Tuitter_Filter_Interface { private $_exp;
public function __construct() { $tags = func_get_args(); if(!$tags) trigger_error('Missing arguments.'); $esc = array(); foreach($tags as $tag){ $esc[] = preg_quote($tag); } $this->_exp = '/#('.implode('|', $esc).')\W/i'; }
public function check(Tuitter_Tweet $tweet) { return (preg_match($this->_exp, $tweet->text.' ') ? true : false); } }