
These interfaces are the events which the Bot can receive.


  • TuiBotter_Event_BeFollowed : When the authenticating user is followed
  • TuiBotter_Event_BeMentioned : When the authenticating user is mentioned by the other users
  • TuiBotter_Event_BeReplied : When the authenticating user is replied by the other users
  • TuiBotter_Event_BeRetweeted : When the tweet of the authenticating user is retweeted by the other users
  • TuiBotter_Event_FavoriteMarked : When the authenticating user marks the tweet as favorite
  • TuiBotter_Event_GotDM : When the authenticating user gets the direct message
  • TuiBotter_Event_Retweeted : When the authenticating user retweets the tweet
  • TuiBotter_Event_RetweetedToMe : When the friends of the authenticating user retweets the tweet
  • TuiBotter_Event_UpdatedFriendsTL : When the authenticating user or his friends send the Tweet
  • TuiBotter_Event_UpdatedHomeTL : When the authenticating user or his friends send the Tweet